Week One – Intimacy with God
NLCF Intercessory Prayer – Week 1
Recommended Reading:
The Beginners’ Guide to Intercessory Prayer
by Dutch Sheets
Recommended Video:
Week 2: Understanding Intercession
NLCF Intercessory Prayer- Week 2
Recommended Video:
Week 3: Expressions of Intercession
NLCF Intercessory Prayer – Week 3
Recommended Video:
Week 4: Interceding Together
NLCF Intercessory Prayer – Week 4
Recommended Video:
Other Recommended Resources:
Reese Howells Intercessor: The Story of a Life Lived for God
by Norman Grubb
Possessing the Gates of the Enemy
by Cindy Jacobs
The Twilight Labyrinth: Why Does Spiritual Darkness Lingers Where it Does?
by George Otis, Jr.